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The Daily Mirror of the Great Britain

‘Will suffer greatly!’ Russia warned invading Ukraine would see ‘thousands’ of casualties

George Allison helps run industry publication UK Defence Journal and is an expert in modern warfare. He spoke exclusively to as Vladmir Putin’s menacing actions against Ukraine reached a fever pitch this evening.

With more than 100,000 Russian soldiers sitting on Ukraine’s eastern border, the UK Government advised all British citizens to leave the country immediately.

This sparked fears that an invasion is imminent – although no further clarification was offered.

Should this increasingly likely situation materialise, Mr Allison predicted that Russia would “have to pay for every mile they try and annex from Ukraine”.

This is due in part to the eastern European country’s fiercely patriotic military “who will fight to the last man”.

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“Will they win? I wouldn’t believe they’ll achieve all of their aims, Ukraine is now properly armed to deter Russian aggression.

“They’ll at the very least think twice.

“Russia will suffer heavy casualties, their advance into Ukraine will cost them thousands of their troops.

“Frankly, Russia will pay a heavy price for every mile they take from Ukraine. The weapons given by Britain and others are a game changer.

“Simply put, Britain has made sure that Russia cannot waltz in and take what it wants.

“Britain has made sure that Russian troops will meet a fierce wall of fire, deterring from pushing further into Ukraine.

“Simply put, weapons given by Britain on land and at sea will cause massive causalities for Russian troops.

“Hopefully that deters an invasion but if it doesn’t, it’ll make it very costly.

“I see the Ukrainians fighting until the last man, they are very proud of their homeland and aren’t about to let it go.

“NLAWs are also a game changer, they turn Ukrainian forces from a skirmishing force to a defensive force.

“In short, NLAWs will make a Russian armoured offensive a costly and suicidal effort for Russian troops. I do not believe they will reach Kiev.

“I expect that foreign supplied weapons will cost Russia tens of thousands of troops.”