Unlike subcutaneous fat, visceral fat doesn’t lie right below your skin. Instead, it is stored deep inside your belly. Lurking in your abdominal cavity, the harmful belly fat wraps around your vital organs. The good news is that healthy lifestyle changes can help melt the stubborn fat away.
The researchers investigated the effects of polyphenols found in apples on subjects with different weights.
Classed from “moderately underweight” to “moderately obese”, there was 124 participants in total.
In case you’re not aware, polyphenols are natural plant compounds that can be found in fruits, vegetables and cereals.
These plant goodies are known for their disease-fighting mechanisms as well as their ability to cut the risk of heart disease and diabetes, according to the National Library of Medicine.
After eight weeks of the apple drink protocol, researchers started noticing a difference in the visceral fat area.
They found that the apple group experienced a “significant” reduction in this area.
However, the study reports these effects were only observed in those that started the study with more visceral fat.
They added that there was “no significant change in the visceral fat area of subjects in the apple group that started with a normal visceral fat area”.
Another reason why apples could help with weight loss is their pectin content.
Pectin is a type of fibre that is broken down slowly, making you feel full for longer.
This type of fibre also binds with water and limits the amount of fat your cells can absorb.
Plus, consumption of apple peels was found to cut several metabolic syndrome parameters, as reported by the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Metabolic syndrome describes a cluster of conditions comprising of high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels.
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