London Defender

The Daily Mirror of the Great Britain

Least popular baby names: The 31 names that have become ‘extinct’ – and more at risk

The long list of at risk names for baby girls includes Annette, Brenda, Carolyn, Cheryl, Dawn, Debbie, Debra, Denise, Diane, Donna, Doris, Edna, Freda, Geraldine, Gladys, Hilda, Janet, Janice, Jean, Jordan, Kirsty, Lindsey, Lorraine, Lynda, Lynn, Marian, Marion, Marjorie, Marlene, Maud, Mildred, Norma, Pamela, Pauline, Sheila, Shirley, Suzanne, Thelma, Tracey, Tracy, Toni and Yvonne.

While these classic names might soon become outdated, other baby names are climbing in popularity.

For girls, Olivia and Amelia are both very popular names.

Olivia is a classic Latin name, coming from the olive tree.