London Defender

The Daily Mirror of the Great Britain

Joe Biden unveils plans to allow vaccinated international travellers into US

Flight restrictions for foreign travellers into America are set to be lifted for the first time since the start of the pandemic. The US travel ban currently includes international flights from the UK, Europe, China and India.

The travel ban also includes 26 Schengen countries in Europe.

However, the proclamation signed by the US President on Monday outlined airlines will have to check whether travellers have been vaccinated before they can travel.

Mr Biden’s proclamation says: “It is in the interests of the United States to move away from the country-by-country restrictions previously applied during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“And to adopt an air travel policy that relies primarily on vaccination to advance the safe resumption of international air travel to the United States.”

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Over 190 million people in America have been fully vaccinated.

According to reports deaths are running at about 1,700 per day, up from 1,500 two weeks ago.