The heartbreaking photograph of three-year-old Alan Kurdi who was pictured lying dead, face down in a red T-shirt and shorts, made headlines around the world. The little boy had fled with his family from the Syrian civil war in 2015. Alan died alongside his mother and brother after taking the perilous sea passage from Turkey to Greece.
His father, 47-year-old Abdullah, is still haunted by their deaths.
Speaking to the Mirror he said: “Boris Johnson must do something to stop these evil people.
“Every government needs to find the smugglers and they need to put them in jail for life.
“When Alan died the whole world opened its arms.
“I had hoped that work would prevail so I would never hear of a tragedy like that seen this week.
“I wish the people and Government of Britain would open their doors to refugees, real refugees, and maybe it will stop this happening again.”
His comments come after 27 people died on Wednesday when their dingy deflated whilst crossing the English Channel.
A French lifeboat crew found the dinghy that had deflated six miles off the coast of Calais in bad weather.
READ MORE: We salute the British! French thank UK for migrant rescue efforts
“I had continuous contact with my wife.
“I was tracking her live GPS.
“After 4 hours and 18 minutes from the moment she went into that boat, I think they were in the middle of the sea, then I lost her.”
Two survivors from the dinghy told French police that it was punctured after being hit by a passing container ship.
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