London Defender

The Daily Mirror of the Great Britain

Boris plans for Eastern Europe peace mission in bid to ease Ukraine crisis

ukraine troops

Target practice… Ukraine troops drill with anti-tank missiles supplied by the UK near Lviv (Image: Reuters/Gleb Garanich)

The Prime Minister will call the Russian President to issue a clear warning of the consequences that would follow any invasion of the country, Downing Street officials said last night.

Mr Johnson is also expected to fly to the region to step up Western efforts to try to de-escalate the crisis.

And Foreign Secretary Liz Truss is poised to announce a swathe of sanctions on Russia in the Commons on Monday.

A Downing Street spokeswoman said: “The Prime Minister is determined to accelerate diplomatic efforts and ramp up deterrence to avoid bloodshed in Europe.

“He will reiterate the need for Russia to step back and engage diplomatically when he speaks to President Putin this week.”

Mr Johnson’s latest diplomatic push comes as President Putin has repeatedly refused to withdraw his force of 140,000 troops amassing on Russia’s border with Ukraine.

The Prime Minister asked defence and security chiefs to consider further defensive military options in Europe during a high level intelligence briefing on the situation last week.

In a meeting at the Ministry of Defence, top military brass set out a range of options to address growing Russian aggression in the region including fresh troop deployments and bolstering of NATO’s defences. Mr Johnson is said to be studying those options this weekend.

Officials say the Prime Minister is convinced of the need to pursue diplomatic efforts while ramping up security preparations.

In a conference call with US President Joe Biden, European leaders and NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg, he agreed on the importance of international unity in the face of growing Russian hostility and stressed that diplomatic discussions with Russia remain the Western allies top priority.

Officials say the Prime Minister has consistently told allies that without a successful combination of deterrence and diplomacy thousands of lives will be lost on both sides of the Ukraine-Russia border.

He has told fellow leaders the fighting that would pit neighbours, friends and even families against one and other.

Mr Johnson discussed diplomatic tactics and sanctions options with the Foreign Secretary before updating the Cabinet on the situation and the Government’s next steps.

The Foreign Office is expected announce a toughening of its sanctions regime in Parliament on Monday to target Russia’s strategic and financial interests.

British diplomats will also join discussions at the United Nations Security Council in New York on Monday in a bid to apply further pressure on Russia to thrash out its concerns among diplomats rather than through military means.

Diplomatic sources say the UK Government will use the meeting to expose Russia’s flawed narrative and present the facts.

Last week, the Prime Minister reiterated his concerns about the situation in the Commons.

He told MPs: “We’ve sought to combine dialogue with deterrence, emphasising how a united Western alliance would exact a forbidding price for any Russian incursion into Ukraine, including by imposing heavy economic sanctions, and at the same time we stand ready, as we always have, to address any legitimate Russian concerns through honest diplomacy.”

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace this week travelled to The Hague, Berlin and Belgium to meet his counterparts and push for further action from European allies.

The Defence and Foreign Secretaries will undertake further diplomatic next week.

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Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky (Image: Sergei Supinsky/AFP/Getty)



God Save The Queen is trending on social media across Ukraine as Britain stands up to Russia – above all the other Nato members.

We have flown airborne surveillance, dispatched 2,000 anti-tank missiles and reinforced our 100-strong training mission in Ukraine.

The Prime Minister has said we will not send combat forces to the country but will deploy a few hundred more troops to Nato members threatened by further Russian aggression – adding to the 850 soldiers already in Estonia.

This is all about deterrence, far preferable to the carnage of war.

But can a few hundred troops here and a few hundred there really deter a military sledgehammer like Russia and an imperialistic despot like Vladimir

For real deterrence you need large scale hard-jawed combat forces and the political will to use them – and win.

Instead of building those combat forces in the face of growing threats, we’ve been chipping away at them for decades.

As the Russian and Chinese menace looms ever larger, last year’s defence review heralded further cuts to warships, combat planes and tanks.

By 2025, the Army will be reduced from its current strength of 82,000 to 72,500, smaller than at any time since the early 1700s.

We will have only 148 tanks – down from 1,200 in the 1990s, which is the same number as Russia has today on the Ukrainian border.

These cuts prioritise defence spending on electronic warfare and drones.

Such capabilities are essential, but so are conventional forces.

Britain, of course, does not stand alone.

For deterrence to work, we need strong, joined-up alliances.

Nato’s credibility was shot to bits by its humiliation in Afghanistan last summer.

Now the Ukraine crisis highlights gaping divisions among member states.

In this situation, diplomatic hard talk – as we have seen from Britain – is important.

But Putin keeps a closer eye on his opponents’ fighting power and political will.

If he wants to attack, he will not be deterred by what he’s been watching.

  • Richard Kemp – Colonel