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The Daily Mirror of the Great Britain

Boris faces split in support for military intervention in Ukraine as global conflict looms

So far, the UK has threatened economic sanctions against Russia if it invades Ukraine, the UK has also supplied Ukraine with anti-tank weapons, armoured vehicles, and troops to train Ukrainian soldiers. The Prime Minister has also promised to deploy British forces to eastern European members of the Nato military alliance if Russian troops cross Ukraine’s borders.

Currently, the UK has more than 900 military personnel based in Estonia, more than 100 in Ukraine as part of a training mission, while a light cavalry squadron numbering around 150 has been deployed to Poland. Boris Johnson is considering doubling these numbers and said the possible deployment would send a “clear message to the Kremlin”. But in a poll of 3,769 readers, held from January 26 to 31, 50 percent of voters said the UK should not send troops to Ukraine if Russia invade, whilst 43 percent said it should, and a further seven percent were not sure.

One reader commented: “No we shouldn’t be involved, it’s the EU’s problem.”

Another reader asked: “Russians have never fought near British shores. Why should we get embroiled near their borders?”

But a voter disagreed: “Poland is next for Putin after Ukraine, and then the rest of Europe. Better intervene now than later when they are established on the other side of the channel.”

When asked whether voters support Britain’s intervention in the conflict so far, 60 percent said they did, 37 percent said they did not, and three percent were not sure.

However, a much larger majority believed it would be a good idea to impose further economic sanctions on Russia, with 73 percent urging the Prime Minister to act now, although 21 percent were against the idea, and six percent were not sure.

So why is the UK getting involved in the conflict?

The UK has a legal duty to defend Ukraine’s territorial integrity.

In 1994, the UK – along with the US – signed a memorandum at an international conference in Budapest promising “to respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine”. They also promised to provide assistance to Ukraine if it “should become a victim of an act of aggression”.

This was in return for Ukraine giving up its massive arsenal of nuclear weapons, a legacy of its Soviet Union membership.

READ MORE: UK considering ‘major military offer’ to Europe

Additionally, a core principle of European security after World War Two was that sovereign nations have a right to make their own choices, and borders cannot be changed by invading armies.

In a speech last week, the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said: “To allow Russia to violate those principles with impunity would drag us all back to a much more dangerous and unstable time.”

If war broke out in Ukraine, many civilians would likely flee and could create another migrant crisis.

Ukraine’s Defence Minister, Oleksiy Reznikov, told BBC Hard Talk several million people could leave: “It will be a disaster not only for Ukraine, it will be a disaster for Europe.”

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Boris Johnson along with Western leaders looks set to defend Ukraine.

Now, the Prime Minister, who will visit Eastern Europe this week, said the UK would not tolerate Russian “destabilising activity, and we will always stand with our Nato allies”.

He added: “If President Putin chooses a path of bloodshed and destruction, it will be a tragedy for Europe. Ukraine must be free to choose its own future.”

Do you back Mr Johnson’s decision? Let us know in the comments section below.

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