London Defender

The Daily Mirror of the Great Britain

Putin’s bluff! West has seen ‘no sign’ of Russian troops withdrawing as MORE arrive

Officials say more combat troops are moving towards the border and that field hospitals are being constructed amid fears an invasion is imminent.

Sources yesterday claimed Vladimir Putin is “slightly obsessed with Ukraine” and believes “it should never have escaped from the Soviet Union”.

One of his key priorities in Ukraine is regime change, sources say, and he will have multiple objectives including destabilising the West’s political and military alliances.

Western officials indicate this is why a lightning assault on Kiev is considered among the most likely military options.

While the West fears an invasion is imminent, the Daily Express understands officials are also preparing for a “protracted crisis” which drags out over many months.

Many fear Russia is leaving military equipment at the border and rotating troops while claiming they are moving troops away from the border.

Around 100 battalion tactical groups – formations of around 1,000 troops, accompanied by air defence, artillery and logistical support – are on the border and 14 more are making their way towards the border.

The Russian Defense Ministry yesterday released images of tanks and armoured vehicles being loaded onto a train in a bid to claim troops were being withdrawn from the Ukrainian border.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the troops were returning “according to plan… regardless of who thinks what and who gets hysterical about it, who is deploying real informational terrorism.”

But a Western official said last night: “So far we have seen no signs of de-escalation by Russia or a withdrawal of forces. We see the opposite. We continue to see Russia reinforcing its capabilities around Ukraine’s borders.

“We don’t think a decision has yet been made but we think it is very possible that Russia will launch an invasion on a very significant scale.

“We need to be ready either for a very immediate scenario or a protracted crisis.

“Action could happen any day.

“But it is also important not to get too fixated on individual dates.

“They have all the capabilities they need in place”.

Russian president Vladimir Putin yesterday claimed he did not want to go to war with Ukraine but said the former Soviet country must never be allowed to join the military alliance.

He said: “We’re hearing that Ukraine is not ready to join Nato today.

“Will it be accepted when it will be ready? It may be too late for us then. We need to resolve this now.”

A Western official said: “Putin is slightly obsessed with Ukraine.

“He believes it should never have escaped from the Soviet Union. He’s got a very twisted version of Ukraine history. Getting Ukraine back is an end in itself.”

“One of his key objectives is to get rid of Zelensky’s government.

“Putin always has more than one objective.

“Stopping Nato expanding is another but I doubt it is his most important because that ship sailed in 1997.

“Sowing discord among the West and undercutting the military alliance of Nato and undercutting the political alliance, that is absolutely one of his aims.”

Another source said: “It is just not clear at this stage exactly what Putin’s priorities are and what he does want to achieve out of all of this.”

Russia has denied on several occasions that it is planning to attack Ukraine and has accused the West of whipping up “hysteria” to discredit Moscow.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said there were signs of a “diplomatic opening” to resolve the Ukraine crisis but the intelligence is not encouraging and there were “mixed signals” from Russia.

A source said: “Russia has always been very good at psychological pressure on Ukraine.

“They understand the Ukrainians even better than we do. They know how to dial up uncertainty.

“They know which buttons to press.”