London Defender

The Daily Mirror of the Great Britain

Putin’s plot to cut off Kiev: Ukraine’s best troops sidelined with attack on major target

Ukraine’s most highly-trained and best-equipped troops are in the east of the country and Nato members fear Russian forces will attack Kiev from the north whilst assaulting targets from the east in a multiple axes invasion.

And the size of the force in Belarus – which includes 30,000 combat troops, elite Spetsnaz special forces units, Su-35 fighter jets and S-400 missile defence system – means Western officials fear the Ukrainian capital will be attacked within days of the invasion beginning.

Forces in Belarus have been observed moving closer to the border with Ukraine, prompting fears it is preparing for a major military operation.

It is considered very unlikely Vladimir Putin will order a singular strike on Kiev and military chiefs consider it vital that Russian forces cut off Ukrainian troops in the east if they are to successfully take the capital.

Russia is understood to want to strike the capital in a lightning assault to shock the rest of the country and damage morale among Ukrainian forces.

Many Ukrainian troops have been engaged in a bloody war in the east of Ukraine since 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine and backed pro-Russian separatists in a war against the Kiev government.

And a “false flag operation”, where Russian-backed forces attack separatists in the Donbas or Luhansk region, in order to justify a Kremlin-ordered assault is still considered likely, officials say.

Around 130,000 Russian troops are now massed on the border with Ukraine accounts – around 60 per cent of Vladimir Putin’s ground combat power.

Russia is now believed to have 100 battalion tactical groups – formations of around 1,000 troops, accompanied by air defence, artillery and logistical support – on the border with Ukraine and intelligence assessments indicate another 14 groups are set to join them over the coming days.

Western officials conceded President Vladimir Putin could invade Ukraine “at the drop of a hat” after a “truly alarming” military build-up.

The recent deployment of more fighter jets and attack helicopters has “doubled” the “effective combat power” of the Russian force on the border.

But Putin is not yet believed to have made a decision on whether to invade the former Soviet nation.

Precision Iskander missile systems have been deployed along the Ukrainian border and the Kremlin has amassed naval vessels in the Black Sea for both “amphibious capability” and the ability for “precision strike”.

And the size of the force in annexed Crimea will give Putin options to launch operations in the south of Ukraine.

Russia has boosted its naval presence in the Black Sea and Mediterranean, with both “amphibious” capabilities, allowing troops to be dropped onto land, and “precision strike” capabilities.

The Daily Express understands the scale of the deployments to the Ukrainian border far exceed deployments typically seen for training exercises. And National Guard troops have been mobilised, pointing towards Russian plans to try and seize and hold down territory.

Western officials say they expect a well organised Ukrainian insurgency if Russia were to take over key Ukrainian towns and cities.

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan on Friday warned an invasion is “likely to begin with aerial bombing” and missile strikes, followed by tanks and troops moving in.

Eight more US F-15 fighter jets arrived in Poland yesterday to take part in Nato air policing amid continued signs of Russian escalation on Poland’s border with Ukraine.

And UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace revealed the UK is deploying a “small number of military personnel” to Lithuania

The British troops will help with intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, as Vilnius grapples with pressure on border with Belarus.

While it is not considered likely Russia will move thousands of troops into central Kiev, due to the “difficulties” of urban conflict, Moscow’s military chiefs have repeatedly shown they have little regard for civilians.