London Defender

The Daily Mirror of the Great Britain

‘Does he hold us for fools!?’ Anjem Choudary lodges new appeal with European Court

He hopes he can convince Strasbourg lawmakers to overturn his September 2016 conviction for cheerleading for Isis and pledging allegiance to the terror cult. The radical Islamist, jailed for five and a half years following a trial at the Old Bailey, already had his application for permission to appeal thrown out by Court of Appeal judges in 2017. Judges slapped down his position on the basis that his conviction was not “arguably unsafe”.

Last night security experts criticised his latest attempt to “clear his name”. Prof Anthony Glees, from the Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies at the University of Buckingham, said this latest appeal was “vexatious”.

He said: “Will he never stop? Does he hold us all for fools? The fact is his quest for celebrity has condemned him and provided the evidence of his extreme activities over many years. This is a man who in the terror, radicalism and extremism department, has form.

“What does he want to do – he doesn’t want to clear his name – his entire reputation has been built on his support for extreme forms of sharia law. For a very long time now he has made a name for himself spearheading Islamist extremism in the UK.

“To now claim he was unjustly accused and convicted of doing the very thing that brought him infamy implies he holds us all for fools. I’ve no doubt the European Court of Justice will show him the exit door.” Choudary, 54, told us his appeal was about “putting the facts of his case in the public domain”. He added: “There was no support, verbal or otherwise for the Islamic State.

“I merely gave an Islamic opinion in 2014, that in my opinion at that time they fulfil the criteria (to be considered an Islamic State). The police said in 2015 they discovered an oath of allegiance on an Indonesian computer apparently written by someone with my name on it.

“I never sign anything using my nickname – Abu Luqman. The first time I saw this was when they charged me in September 2015. We never got to examine the computer or talk to the individual who supposedly authored the oath. It was absurd.”

It is understood the appeal will be funded pro-bono by lawyers. Last week we revealed the cleric was feared to have influenced British hostage-taker Malik Faisal Akram – shot dead by cops at a Texas synagogue.