Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, 47, said he suspects President Joe Biden, 79, had a hand in creating the tornadoes which have ruptured through six American states, leaving at least 88 people dead. Mr Jones attempted to justify his claims by playing a clip of ex-CIA director John Brennan, 66, from 2016.
In the footage, Mr Brennan says: “On the geopolitical side, the technology’s potential to alter weather patterns and benefit certain regions of the world at the expense of other regions could trigger sharp opposition by some nations.”
Before playing the clip, Mr Jones claims: “You’re about to see part of it — admitting that, oh, other governments don’t like what we are doing, it can cause weather problems, weather weapons that were developed in the fifties.”
However, such technology does not yet exist and Mr Brennan also talks about a stratospheric aerosol injection, which he says could potentially reverse the effects of climate change.
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“They just think you’re stupid and they don’t want you knowing they are doing all of this,” the far-right radio host said.
The InfoWars conspiracy theorist faced a major setback earlier this year after he lost a series of defamation cases for claiming the Sandy Hook school shooting, which killed 27 people in 2012, was a hoax.
Mr Jones is also known for astonishingly claiming chemicals in the water are turning American frogs gay and for having a face-off with Florida’s Republican Senator Marco Rubio, 50.
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“Now, we know that. So the question is did they use weather weapons to cause the tornadoes?
“That’s a legitimate question to ask.”
Around 30 tornadoes have hit Kentucky, leaving at least 74 dead.
An extra five tornadoes have struck neighbouring US states.
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