The five-letter word solving game has seen millions of daily users try to guess a new five-letter word, released at midnight every day. However, some words that would be six letters under the British spelling have been used in the American game.
Today’s solution was no exception, with UK users angered by a missing “U” common to the British spelling of the word.
The UK embassy in Washington tweeted about today’s solution with an unhappy emoji, with an extra green box inserted between a further five – a reference to the missing letter in the British spelling of the word “humour”.
Meanwhile, other users vented their anger by posting a painting of the burning of Washington DC by the British in 1812.
READ MORE: Wordle words: 10 American words that could appear in daily puzzle
However, because Wordle is an American game – recently sold to the New York Times for a seven-figure sum – the US English spellings of some words can trip up British guessers.
The solution on January 12 to the puzzle was “favor” – whereas the correct spelling is “favour”.
Other American spellings of words containing ‘OU’ often only use an ‘O’, such as “color” and “honor”.
Another common difference between US and UK spellings is words ending in “RE” in British, which sometimes change to “ER” for Americans.
As such, British Wordle players may be puzzled by words such as “liter” and “fiber”, when they should be spelt “litre” and “fibre”.
Countdown’s resident lexicographer Susie Dent suggests using a word that contains the letter “E” in it for a first guess, and no repeating letters.
She told Sky News earlier this week: “I will go with one of the most frequently used letters, ‘e’, always, because that is top of the list.
“I often start with ‘noise’ because that includes some of the most frequently used letters, as well. So you can, if you like, approach it from that point of view.
“But for me, the kind of real pleasure is in the process of elimination, and the code breaking exercise that comes after.”
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